Success Story: Electric Bills Fall 57% with Panorama Sterling 40 Window Film

Electric bills have fallen 57% at Bill Cheek’s home, thanks to the installation of Solar Gard Panorama Sterling 40 window film. Bill Cheek lives in the Coachella Valley desert of southeastern California in Palm Springs, one of the hottest cities in the country, where summer daytime temperatures frequently exceed 110°F. So Cheek contacted Solar Gard Panorama dealer Sun Eez about window film for his house, hoping he could cool his home and cut his air conditioning bills. The question was: By how much?

Due to its orientation, Cheek’s home experienced significant heat gain, particularly in the morning when the sun shone intensely through his west-facing windows. Before window film was applied, inside temperatures rose through the day and would reach 100°F if the air conditioners weren’t turned to full power. To help Cheek gauge just how much of an impact Solar Gard Panorama window film would make on his energy bills, temperature monitors were installed in Cheek’s house to collect three weeks of baseline data. After Sun Eez installed Solar Gard Panorama Sterling 40 throughout the home, the monitors continued to record temperatures in Cheek’s house for an additional three weeks. The cooling effects of the window film were immediately obvious. A comparison of two similar temperature days – one before the film installation and one after – showed an 11.9°F drop in the average daytime temperature inside Cheek’s house. Tests confirmed the significant solar energy rejection provided by Solar Gard Panorama film. Yet the film’s cooling effect wasn’t the only benefit. Electricity usage in Cheek’s home fell drastically because the window film reduced the need for air conditioning. Over the entire summer, Cheek’s average monthly electric bill dropped 57 percent compared to the summer before the film was installed.

“I would highly recommend Solar Gard Panorama window film to anyone for its quality and performance,” Cheek said. Temperatures inside Bill Cheek’s home in the Coachella Valley desert were considerably lower after the installation of Solar Gard Panorama Sterling 40 window film. The graph below compares indoor temperatures on two days when the temperature outside reached 90°F. Before the film was installed (the blue line), interior temperatures spiked with the morning sun and remained very high the rest of the day. After Solar Gard Panorama Sterling 40 window film was installed (the pink line), interior temperatures were consistently lower throughout the day. This confirmed the significant solar energy rejection benefit provided by the Solar Gard Panorama window film.

“If Solar Gard Panorama can cool my home and save on energy costs in the desert, it can work anywhere. The impact on my monthly expenditures is significant, but I also appreciate that it is reducing my carbon footprint.” Bill Cheek, Homeowner

Installation Summary


  • Heat gain
  • High energy costs associated with air conditioning


  • Solar Gard Panorama Sterling 40 Window Film


  • Lower summertime temperatures inside the home
  • A reduced average monthly electric bill by 57 percent
  • Increased Comfort
